Schäfer Fröhlich Riesling Halenberg Spätlese 2008 (4 Fl.)

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Beurteilungen Parker: 91/100

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80,00 €
Inkl. 0% MwSt., exkl. Versand
Nicht auf Lager
26.67 €/ℓ,  


Parker: Fresh lime, strawberry chiffon, and alkaline as well as lightly fermentative notes in the nose of Frohlichs’ 2008 Monzinger Halenberg Riesling Spatlese completely set the tone for a delectable palate that is both refreshing and seemingly lighter than air, lusciously red-fruited and distinctly mineral. Citrus zest, black tea, and brown spices add to the allure of a wafting, soaring finish. I would personally opt to sock-away this 7.5% alcohol wine simply on account of its youthful sweetness being so forward, but it’s admittedly delightful already. I wouldn’t worry about 15 years in the cellar, and perhaps that will turn out to be conservative. 91/100


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Winzer Schäfer Fröhlich
Wein Riesling Halenberg Spätlese
Rebsorte Riesling 100%
Beurteilungen Parker: 91/100
Inhalt 0,75l
Verpackung lose
Allergene Enthält Sulfite
LOT L909